Tag: Mayor Weaver
Flint trash decision kicked to curb again in council/mayoral fight
By Jan Worth-Nelson Flint’s trash pickup is once again in limbo due to ongoing disagreement between the City Council and Mayor Karen Weaver. The focus of disagreement is which of two competing potential contractors, the current contractor, Republic Services, Inc. and the one favored by the mayor, Rizzo Environmental Services, has provided the “lowest responsible bid.”…
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The 12 (or 13) Days of Christmas: a wish list for Mayor Weaver
By Paul Rozycki As Mayor Karen Weaver begins her first 100 days in office with a list of ambitious plans for the city, she and the citizens of Flint have a long list of hopes for the upcoming holiday season and beyond. In that light, here’s a proposed wish list for Flint’s new mayor.…
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