Council considers an update to the city’s employee compensation schedule; and a $474,000 invoice from MDOT
By Tom Travis Council considered 12 resolutions in the finance committee at last night’s meeting. Including a resolution for the payment of a $474,000 invoice from MDOT for damage caused by a former city of Flint employee to an overpass in Flint Township and another resolution that seeks an updated city employee compensation schedule that…
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Iconic Saginaw Street brick replacement underway; $5 million project to continue through 2024
By Elizabeth Ireland-Curtis The iconic bricks on Saginaw Street, along with the Weather Ball are part of Flint’s identity and history. The bricks on Saginaw are being replaced in a two-year project that began Monday, April 10. Mayor Sheldon Neeley presented plans for the historic restoration at a press conference that same day. A website,…
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Commentary: Flint’s I-475 freeway and race: A concrete barrier, or a road to reconciliation?
By Paul Rozycki A therapist trying to analyze Flint’s attitude towards race might use the term bipolar. On one hand, Flint was the first major city to choose an African-American mayor, Floyd McCree. It passed one of the first open housing ordinances in the late 1960s, after a community sleep-in at City Hall. A Republican…
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I-475 corridor community input meeting set for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22 at FIM
By Tom Travis (This article has been updated to reflect a change of venue for the March 22 meeting.) The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has announced another in a series of public meetings for public input on the I-475 corridor for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22 followed by another presentation at 6:15 p.m. The…
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MDOT earmarks $300 million to rebuild I-475 through Flint – Public comments invited for next 12 months
By Tom Travis The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has announced it will invest $300 million to rebuild I-475 from Bristol Road to Carpenter Road, estimating the work will begin in the Fall of 2023. The proposed project is an eight-mile span of road and will include bridge repairs and I-69 and I-475 interchange repairs.…
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“Transformational” federal funds to city, funeral home demo, funds for home repair, highway project topics at FNU
By Coner Segren Federal relief dollars coming to Flint will be “transformational,” Mayor Sheldon Neeley predicted at the recent monthly meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). Participants in the Zoom meeting also heard updates about expected funds for several highway projects, prospective demolition of Brown Funeral Home, and access to funds for home repair. Neeley…
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State Rep. John Cherry to host “virtual community conversation” with MDOT; neighbors urged to call for I-69 sound walls
State Representative John Cherry will host a virtual community conversation at 6 p.m. Monday, March 8 to focus on transportation in Genesee County, according to an invitation shared by his office. Cherry plans to be joined by Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) officials who serve the area. Cherry expects to give a brief legislative update…
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Land Bank survey and small business grants highlighted at Flint Neighborhoods United monthly meeting
By Coner Segren Residents’ concerns about Land Bank priorities for demolition and the availability of small business grants , updates on a water bill payment assistance program, and a proposed I-475 renovation plan were among topics discussed at the monthly Flint Neighborhoods United meeting. Residents want demolitions prioritized next to occupied homes, Land Bank survey…
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Transform I-475 to a boulevard? City officials offer ideas, public invited to weigh in
By Coner Segren An ambitious proposal to fill in the 12-lane I-475 through downtown Flint and replace it with 30 acres of land open to development was introduced to the public at a virtual town hall Wednesday hosted by Mayor Sheldon Neeley and his chief of staff Brian Larkin. Neeley and Larkin are seeking community…
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