Tag: Meredith Deighton
Review: The Rep’s “Glass Menagerie” honorably recreates the classic’s poignant memory-scape
By Patsy Isenberg “The play is memory. Being a memory play, it is dimly lighted, it is sentimental, it is not realistic. In memory everything seems to happen to music. That explains the fiddle in the wings. I am the narrator of the play, and also a character in it. The other characters are my…
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Flint Repertory Theatre presents “The Wolves,” for teens and adults, through Feb.17
By Patsy Isenberg On Feb.8, a Pulitzer Prize drama finalist for 2017, “The Wolves,” opened at The Flint Repertory Theatre (The Rep) in the 100-seat Bower Theater. Its all-female cast gives the audience a fly-on-the-wall observation of a nine-girl high school soccer team at practice. The only other character is referred to as “Soccer Mom”…
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