Tag: Michael Rice
Passed over by state in December, Flint public schools seek debt relief
By Harold C. Ford “Change must happen in Flint Community Schools, but we cannot do it alone.” – Kevelin Jones, superintendent, Flint Community Schools, Jan. 26, 2024 press statement Six financially distressed school systems in Michigan stand to benefit from debt relief legislation passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Governor Gretchen…
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Commentary: You can’t “right size” a district by only closing buildings
Guest commentary by Paul Jordan To survive in the long term, the Flint district must provide every neighborhood with a local elementary school. Children can be well-educated in buildings that consist of only a few classrooms. (My parents, and perhaps yours, were educated in them.). Given the low density of potential students in the district,…
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Education Beat Analysis: Flint School panel counters “we are the best board” after state superintendent warns there are too many buildings, financial crisis on horizon
By Harold C. Ford A takeaway that emerged from the Nov. 8 (Committee of the Whole or COW) and Nov. 15 (regular board meeting) meetings of the Flint Board of Education (FBOE): Link to Nov. 8 meeting Link to Nov. 15 meeting Michigan Superintendent of Instruction Michael Rice told the board that the Flint Community…
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Flint Community Schools move toward pursuit of special education funding
The following press release was provided to East Village Magazine (EVM) by Tarajah Ramsey at Lambert, the public relations firm for the Flint Community Schools (FCS) As EVM Education Beat reporter Harold C. Ford notes, the news is significant. “The bottom line is that FCS and a few other districts are going to get more…
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