Tag: Neighborhood Engagement Hub
Neighborhood Engagement Hub seeking volunteers for citywide cleanup – Saturday, May 15
The Neighborhood Engagement Hub is seeking volunteers to participate in Flint for a citywide cleanup day on Saturday, May 15. During the cleanup, neighborhood groups and individual residents will be completing projects on more than 29 sites throughout the city’s nine wards. The citywide cleanup is supported through a grant from the Mott Foundation, awarded…
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Kildee names blight, development as top priorities, calls for aging cities “Marshall Plan” at FNU appearance
By Coner Segren Even though Genesee County has received about $67.5 million through the federal Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) to eliminate blight—funds which have funded demolition of 5,000 vacant properties—much more is needed, U.S. Fifth District Congressman Dan Kildee told participants at the March meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). Addressing residents’ concerns about how…
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Creating Sanctuary in Pierce Park: “To heal ourselves and heal the land”
By Melodee Mabbitt When Desiree Duell’s parents divorced, they sent her to weekend classes at the Flint Institute of Arts. It was there she learned that art could be very therapeutic. Now living and working in the College and Cultural Neighborhood, Duell’s latest art seeks to help everyone in Flint heal from the water crisis,…
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“Without the resurgence of neighborhoods, all else will crumble,” leader notes at end of grassroots workshop series
By Jan Worth-Nelson After sessions in February and March on leadership, funding strategies, blight, reuse of vacant lots, and promoting health through environmental design, the “Neighbors Changing Flint” series concluded March 27 with a focus on advocacy, campaign development and long-term change. About 40 residents, many of whom had attended all six of the sessions,…
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“Road diet” on MLK Boulevard, master plan “green” concerns top “Neighbors” series discussion
By Darlene C. Carey “It’s our hope that residents that don’t see the dots will be able to connect the dots to their area resources,” said Ashley Everhart, agency director at the Neighborhood Engagement Hub, during the fifth workshop in the “Neighbors Changing Flint” series Wednesday, March 20 at the Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village. The…
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Residents convene, share and reflect at “Connect the Blocks” Flint Neighborhood Summit
By Jan Worth-Nelson Qualities of neighborliness–collaboration, cooperation, valuing each person’s worth– were on full display Saturday at the “Connect the Blocks” Flint Neighborhood Summit at the Flint Food Bank. “Value people,” said Megan Heysa, president of the Eastside Improvement Association, whose group planted flowers and painted 53 porches last year. “You’re dealing with human beings–work…
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“Neighbors Changing Flint” addresses funding strategies to reach community goals
By Patsy Isenberg The complicated task of seeking out sources for grants to accomplish a goal and then applying for them was the theme of the fourth workshop of the “Neighbors Changing Flint” series Wednesday evening at the Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village. There’s a lot to it, but the presenters at this workshop know how…
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“Neighbors Changing Flint” third session explores reuses of vacant lots
By Luther Houle Ashley Everhart, agency director of the Neighborhood Engagement Hub, began the third meeting of the series “Neighbors Changing Flint” with an eye-opening statistic. “Within the city’s boundaries, we have almost 60,000 vacant lots,” she said, citing the Flint Property Portal, a popular website for identifying lot owners and status. She said that…
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