Tag: parkway trees
Creative neighbors implement plan to water parkway trees
By Jan Worth-Nelson Mike Keeler and Andy Everman are two of the city trees’ best friends. Keeler, president of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association, and Everman, a board member of the Genesee Conservation District and ardent advocate for city trees, are making the rounds now with their water wagon — a contraption devised to make…
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Trees are good, everybody agrees, but money is scarce
By Jan Worth-Nelson One thing everybody agreed on last night at the Flint Area Public Affairs Forum at the Flint Public Library: trees are good. That was easy. But in matters of how to maintain them, how to assess them when they’re in aging decline, how to communicate with residents about removals, and especially how to…
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Neighborhood tree replacement plan hits city roadblock: permits to plant denied
By Jan Worth-Nelson Members of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association, many of whom love their venerable green canopies, recently raised $4,000 in a matter of days to buy saplings to replace the 180 trees cut down by the city on parkways in their neighborhood last year. They have a plan in place for volunteers to…
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CCNA continues tree campaign, debates pipe replacement bids process, laments Flint Journal “litter”
By Jan Worth-Nelson Editor’s note: this story has been corrected to reflect that the meeting at City Hall about the parkway trees is set for 5 p.m. Thursday, March 23. Residents of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association (CCNA) heard news on a potpourri of local issues at their March meeting, including progress on a campaign to…
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