Tag: Paul Rozycki
Coronavirus Diaries: Seven EVM writers report from their own lives
Editor’s Note: Like everyone else, all of East Village Magazine‘s staff — none of whom are full-time employees and who juggle many other lives — have been sheltering in place since late March. We’ve stayed in touch by email and phone, and had one Zoom writers’ meeting where we rejoiced in seeing each other’s faces–from…
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“Scary and exciting time”: Local news media in an age of transition
By Harold C. Ford “Journalism is the only profession explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution, because journalists are supposed to be the check and balance on government. We’re supposed to be holding those in power accountable.” –Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! A panel of veteran journalists tackled the existential issues that confront the nation’s fourth estate—journalism—at the…
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News Brief: Challenges, transitions of local news focus of March 26 Flint forum
The next 2019 Flint Area Public Affairs Forum convenes at 5:30 p.m. Tues., March 26, at the Flint Public Library, 1026 E. Kearsley St. With the theme “Have You Heard the News? Local News Sharing in an Age of Media Transition,” the discussion, moderated by Dawn Jones of ABC12, features a panel including media professionals…
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Commentary: Civility in politics 2019? Maybe, but don’t count on it
By Paul Rozycki “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” -Yogi Berra With a newly elected Congress in Washington, a new administration in Lansing, and a mayoral election in Flint, this year will be anything but tranquil politically. As has been the case for the last few years, predictions are easy to make,…
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Commentary: Should the Lame Duck be a dead duck?
By Paul Rozycki In the past, the so-called “lame duck” session was a time when the state legislature met in the last weeks of the year, before the newly elected members took office. They took care of relatively modest issues, final adjustments to the budget and other end-of-the-year issues. However, in recent years the lame…
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Review/Commentary: Foreboding “Fahrenheit 11/9” a jumbled jeremiad, but we still need it
By Jan Worth-Nelson In his opening remarks to a crowd of about 1,000 at the screening of his new movie “Fahrenheit 11/9” Monday night at Whiting Auditorium in Flint, Michael Moore said he was trying to do his part to save the movies. Movie theaters, he said, are “the last place that people can go…
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Analysis/Commentary: Who votes, who doesn’t, and why it matters
Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. –Franklin D. Roosevelt Our American heritage is threatened as much by our own indifference as it is by the most unscrupulous office or by the most…
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