Tag: Phil Hart
City Council hears from Sheriff Swanson and unanimously passes two resolutions for support of Black Lives Matter and to thwart Police Brutality
By Tom Travis The City Council considered two resolutions in response to the recent national outcry over George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis: a resolution to declare Black Lives Matter and an ordinance for the duty of police officers to intervene in cases of police brutality. A resolution brought by the City Administration and Mayor Sheldon…
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Despite inmate releases and lockdown restrictions, Flint crime rate and response time tick down, city reports
By Jan Worth-Nelson As the city adapts to effects of the coronavirus pandemic and prepares for the summer, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley and key representatives of local law enforcement convened via Zoom today in a press conference, announcing that while homicides have ticked up, the city of Flint’s overall crime rate is down slightly, and…
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Lead line replacement opt-in alerts, census urgency top items at Neeley’s first press conference
By Melodee Mabbitt There was more than talk of a “bug” at newly-elected Mayor Sheldon Neeley’s first press conference Saturday, when local media were hauled in at 10:30 a.m. to an otherwise closed City Hall. The first item was a presentation by Neeley’s Interim Police Chief Phil Hart, who donned a suit on Saturday morning…
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Mayor, police chief connect, state reps offer update, councilpersons conflict at CCNA
By Jan Worth-Nelson It was the night of the politicos Thursday at the November meeting of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association (CCNA), as the assemblage of about 50 residents heard from the city’s new mayor, the interim police chief, the state senator, the state representative, and the chancellor of the University of Michigan-Flint. To top…
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Police Chief Hart: Device found at City Hall “not sophisticated” and does not record video, audio
By Melodee Mabbitt Flint Police Chief Phil Hart confirmed today that a device found at City Hall is not capable of recording video or audio and is not sophisticated enough to warrant sending to state police or the FBI for further investigation. East Village Magazine (EVM) learned of the device when Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley…
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City of Flint Communications Director Raymer says document about device found at City Hall was “not a press release”
By Melodee Mabbitt City of Flint Communications Director Marjory Raymer sent multiple text messages to East Village Magazine (EVM) since Tuesday night’s publication of a story on Mayor Sheldon Neeley’s allegations that an “electronic surveillance device” was found in the mayor’s office at Flint City Hall. Neeley defeated incumbent Mayor Karen Weaver Nov. 5 by 205…
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