Tag: Proposal 3
Election roundup: Whitmer, Benson, Nessel, Kildee, Neeley win; State Legislature goes Democratic; All three proposals approved
By Paul Rozycki Mid-term elections are typically bad news for the party in the White House. Yet, while some final votes are still being counted, the results of Tuesday’s mid-term election were better than expected for most Democrats. In Michigan, Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and Attorney General Dana Nessel all…
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Opinion: Let’s prosecute real criminals, not women and doctors
Letter to the Editor By David Leyton, Genesee County Prosecutor As county prosecutor, it is my top duty to protect the health and safety of the citizens of Genesee County. This is one of the many reasons I am supporting Proposal 3, which restores the right to reproductive freedom in Michigan’s constitution — a right…
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Prop. 3 would “restore Roe — nothing more, nothing less,” for Michigan women, proponents assert
By Jan Worth-Nelson The entire goal of Proposal 3, the “Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative” on Michigan’s Nov. 8 ballot, is “to restore Roe — nothing more, nothing less,” representatives from Reproductive Freedom for All (RFFA) declared in a panel discussion Saturday at Totem Books in Flint. “Proposal 3 restores the protections we had under…
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Commentary: Secure MI Vote petition won’t secure your vote — or democracy
By Paul Rozycki A few years ago I was asked to give a presentation on the right to vote to a large number of prospective election workers at City Hall. As I looked out over the audience, I realized that almost none of those present could have voted when this nation began. The great majority…
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Midterm election gives Dems the U.S. House, Michigan governor; 50 percent turnout in county
By Paul Rozycki After the most contentious and energized election in many decades, voters went to the polls in record numbers, and produced results that were both expected and surprising. By most estimates, the turnout nationwide and in Michigan was expected to break decades old records for a mid-term election. In Genesee County over 50…
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