Tag: Quincy Murphy
Judge rules in favor of voters’ rights and calls for accountability in City Clerk’s office
By Tom Travis Voters’ rights and prospects for proper processing of absentee ballot applications and ballots received a shot in the arm Thursday from Judge Celeste Bell of the 7th Circuit Court. Bell ruled in favor of a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) ordering the Flint City Clerk to comply with several…
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Flint City Council February Roundup: Despite mutual distrust, actions inch forward
By Meghan Christian The second month of 2019 brought yet more conflict and distrust to the Flint City Council (FCC) members and residents who attended the month’s three regular meetings. Regardless of the conflicts, however, the council continued dialogue on the state of the pipe replacement program and made some progress with the Ethics and…
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City Ethics and Accountability Board plods through formative stages: no ombudsman yet
By Meghan Christian The Flint Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB) has passed another month since it was established by the new City Charter 18 months ago without hiring an ombudsman, one of the group’s main jobs. But the group did welcome a new member, addressed potential issues with accepting complaints, and discussed plans for 2019…
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Flint City Council January update: Struggling for civility, council ousts Mays as finance committee chair
By Meghan Christian As 2018 ended, some members of Flint City Council (FCC) expressed hope that the new year would bring a new attitude to the city’s governing body and that they would be able to leave many of their divisions behind. But it became clear by the conclusion of the first month of 2019…
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Flint City Council November update: discord continues, Herb Winfrey re-elected president
By Meghan Christian Tensions remained high at the Flint City Council (FCC) throughout November, a month highlighted by disagreements and accusations of racism and sexism from Fourth Ward Councilperson Kate Fields and Ninth Ward Councilperson Eva Worthing directed against First Ward Councilperson Eric Mays. The tensions first came to a head when Fields and Worthing…
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City Council Beat: mutual condemnations, calls for civility dominate September meetings
By Meghan Christian “All I’m gonna say is: get the word out. When you hear me say I want to change the complexion of this council, and people say is it a threat, no. It’s factually what I’m going to do,” First Ward Councilperson Eric Mays said during his final comments at the Sept. 24…
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Flint’s new Ethics and Accountability Board convenes, gets organized at first meeting
By Meghan Christian The new Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB), an overseeing body required by the City of Flint’s new charter, held its first meeting Aug. 2. Board members began with organizational tasks, appointing John Daly from the Eighth Ward as interim chairperson and Pastor Allen Gilbert of the Seventh Ward as vice-chairperson. They also…
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