Tag: Rector Dan Scheid
Blessing of the Animals honors “creatures who know nothing of the madness of the world”
By Jan Worth-Nelson Today’s annual Blessing of the Animals at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, affected and re-arranged by the coronavirus, was something special–even though it went to the dogs. Thirteen of them, to be exact, in noisy canine COVID-compliance on the front lawn of the church, accepting in most cases calmly the blessing from St.…
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St. Paul’s Episcopal Sunday concert cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns
The first concert scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 27 in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church recently resurrected live music series has been called off, Rector Dan Scheid announced today. “I regret to inform East Village Magazine readers that the recital scheduled for this Sunday, Sept. 27 is cancelled,” Scheid posted on Facebook. “This is due to the continued…
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