Tag: Republican Party
Four indictments for “45.” What will it mean for 2024?
By Paul Rozycki Donald Trump is running for president next year. He’s also facing 91 felony charges in both federal and state jurisdictions. With the first Republican debate last month behind us, we are about to begin the 2024 presidential election campaign. It may be the most unusual and challenging election we have ever seen.…
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Commentary: Indictments, recalls, demolitions, resignations, and more — 10 things to watch for in the dog days of summer
By Paul Rozycki We may be in the midst of record-breaking heat during these dog days of August, and the political future may be as hazy as the Michigan horizon on a humid summer evening, enveloped in Canadian forest fire smoke. But with all the risks, and in no particular order, here are a few…
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Commentary: Biden wins — What does it all mean? Ten takeaways from the 2020 election
By Paul Rozycki In a year of pandemics, racial division, economic crisis, and the most divisive election in the last century, it’s a challenge to uncover the things that really matter in this year’s presidential election. In the last weeks, we’ve all had wall-to-wall coverage and analysis of this year’s presidential contest. It may be…
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