Tag: Reunion ’64
Review: “JFK: The Last Speech” juxtaposes power, the arts, and eloquence with a local angle
By Ed Bradley The reflective new documentary JFK: The Last Speech recalls a time when not only could it be assumed that the American president knew how to spell the word “poetry,” but also that he could recite verse at an important event without an eyebrow being raised or a pundit shouting. Still, John F. Kennedy’s…
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JFK documentary with Flint/East Village Magazine connection airing on PBS June 2
By Jan Worth-Nelson A documentary about John F. Kennedy’s last major speech, which spotlights, among others, a Flint man present at the speech and the effect it had on his life, will be aired on two local PBS stations at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 2. In the interest of full disclosure, that man, Ted Nelson,…
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