Tag: Ridgway White
Education Beat Op-Ed: Put Flint kids first — say YES now to Flint Education Continuum
By Harold C. Ford ‘”Noli equi dentes inspicere donate.” (“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”) …Latin text of St. Jerome, The Letter to the Ephesians, circa AD 400 “Shame on you, Mr. Ford.” …Laura MacIntyre, treasurer, Flint Board of Education (FBOE), Apr. 21, 2021 I am a progressive. My 56-year resume of social…
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Land Bank reprioritizing demolitions as federal funds dry up, FNU members told
By Coner Segren Federal “Hardest Hit Fund” dollars appropriated to Flint expired this year, leaving the Genesee County Land Bank without a large source of funds. These funds were key to demolitions in Flint, the Land Bank’s Christina Kelly told participants in a November Zoom meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). Kelly, the Land…
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How to spend a million in Flint: Mott Foundation wants to know
By Jan Worth-Nelson Flint residents have until Aug. 11 to vote on how the city’s largest and most dominant foundation should spend $1 million. Last November the C.S. Mott Foundation asked Flint residents to suggest how to spend $1 million on Flint neighborhoods. There was no shortage of response. The foundation heard from more than…
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Two million face masks for Flint residents, nonprofits on the way from C.S. Mott donation
Flint residents and Flint nonprofit organizations helping their staff, volunteers and clients stay safe as they reopen will have access soon to a donation of two million disposable face masks from the C.S. Mott Foundation. The supply of masks, costing about $1.2 million, will be delivered to the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan, according to…
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Grants available now for Flint African-American small businesses for COVID reopening costs
Small businesses locally owned and run by African Americans can now apply for $5,000 each to help cover costs for reopening safely as the state eases its coronavirus restrictions. The “Restart Flint & Genesee Grant Program” was launched May 6 with $200,000 from the Consumers Energy Foundation, which donated the funds to the Genesee Chamber…
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Flint Community Schools implementing pandemic response plan with Mott Foundation aid
As the Flint Community Schools (FCS) district grapples with needs for remote learning with all schools closed in the pandemic crisis, a new grant from the C.S. Mott Foundation aims to expand internet access for FCS students and keep them safe through a filtering app. A Foundation grant of $163,000 to the FCS will be…
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Mott Foundation grants $200K to Food Bank of Eastern Michigan for coronavirus needs
An emergency grant that will provide approximately 1.2 million meals to those in need in Flint and Genesee County because of the coronavirus crisis has been approved by the C.S. Mott Foundation. The Foundation has granted $200,000 to the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. The press release announcing the grant noted that since the start…
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“Now is the time to stand for the earth,” award winner tells FRWC audience at “Voice of the River” celebration
By Jan Worth-Nelson On a gloomy late January evening when the national airwaves were flooded with endless reasons to despair, one of the award winners at the annual celebration of the Flint River Watershed Coalition (FRWC) stood up and offered a startlingly different view. “I promise you, I have never been as hopeful as I…
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