Tag: Sean Croudy
Cynthia Neeley wins nomination over nine Dems in 34th District primary; turnout 6.7 percent
By Paul Rozycki The last two months have been very good for the Neeley family. In November Sheldon Neeley was elected mayor of Flint. And in a short campaign, conducted during the holiday season, Cynthia Neeley outpolled nine other candidates in the primary election Tuesday to win the Democratic nomination for the 34th state House…
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Eight of ten Democrats in 34th district primary race face off in forum
By Paul Rozycki Eight of the ten Democrats competing to fill Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley’s seat in the State House for the 34th district faced each other in a forum at Joy Tabernacle Church in Civic Park on Jan. 3, only four days before the Democratic primary. On the panel were 3rd Ward Councilman Santino…
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City-wide youth basketball league launching in January
by Harold C. Ford A boost for basketball in Flint is arriving in 2018, with the launch of a new city-wide youth basketball league starting Jan. 6. For some, the announcement sets off hopes for a return of Flint’s faded reputation as a formidable basketball town. But for those involved in the planning, what matters…
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