Tag: Sheriff Chris Swanson
New Police Chief Terence Green sworn in
By Tom Travis Flint’s new Chief of Police, Terence Green sworn in today on the recessed court yard behind City Hall. Circuit Court Judge David Guinn administered the oath of office. In Mayor Neeley’s remarks before the swearing in, he referred to Chief Green as a “true police officer” who is “committed to leading and…
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Police Oversight Commission a key step for those seeking change, Black Lives Matter leader, DeWaun Robinson says
By Tom Travis “We have an opportunity to change the course of history. This is for everyone that believes in the heart of humanity that wants to see change,” Black Lives Matter Flint leader DeWaun Robinson told East Village Magazine (EVM) in a recent phone interview. “We’re not talking about changes just for appeal change…
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Peaceful protests continue as Sheriff Swanson says, “No need to burn the city down–You can have your voice heard”
By Tom Travis For a second time in two days, protesters gathered Sunday night, this time in downtown Flint, to send their message that black lives matter and police brutality needs to end. Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson, who had drawn national attention Saturday for joining with the protestors on Miller Road, returned to be…
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