Tag: Sonja Feist-Price
UM – Flint enrollment up for first time in a decade: reaches 6,130
News from University of Michigan – Flint Director of Marketing and Communications Robb King: “For the first time in nearly a decade, the University of Michigan-Flint has recorded an increase in total fall enrollment as 6,130 students are enrolled at the downtown campus, reflecting a gain of 154 students (3%) from one year ago. The…
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Promise of a “bold, strategic, transformative” future laid out by deans at UM – Flint town hall
By Jan Worth-Nelson “Here at the University of Michigan – Flint, we dare to dream big. With market analyses, stakeholder engagement, and program economics, we have envisioned a bold, strategic and transformative future that is like nothing this university has ever experienced before here at the University of Michigan – Flint. We will.” With that…
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As UM – Flint launches changes, emeritus faculty register concern, call for “reasoned decisions”
By Jan Worth-Nelson In a letter to University of Michigan president Santa J. Ono, 21 University of Michigan – Flint emeritus faculty have registered concerns about both the process and substance of changes proposed in a “Strategic Transformation” initiative underway at the Flint campus. The one–page letter specifically targets UM – Flint Chancellor Debasish Dutta,…
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