Tag: UAW
Commentary: Flint’s I-475 freeway and race: A concrete barrier, or a road to reconciliation?
By Paul Rozycki A therapist trying to analyze Flint’s attitude towards race might use the term bipolar. On one hand, Flint was the first major city to choose an African-American mayor, Floyd McCree. It passed one of the first open housing ordinances in the late 1960s, after a community sleep-in at City Hall. A Republican…
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Education Beat Op-Ed: Put Flint kids first — say YES now to Flint Education Continuum
By Harold C. Ford ‘”Noli equi dentes inspicere donate.” (“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”) …Latin text of St. Jerome, The Letter to the Ephesians, circa AD 400 “Shame on you, Mr. Ford.” …Laura MacIntyre, treasurer, Flint Board of Education (FBOE), Apr. 21, 2021 I am a progressive. My 56-year resume of social…
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Book Review: Edward McClelland’s Midnight in Vehicle City, General Motors, Flint, and the Strike that Created the Middle Class
By Harold C. Ford “You are a scoundrel and a skunk…You’ll go to hell when you die if you do things like that.” –Frances Perkins, U.S. Secretary of Labor, to Alfred Sloan, CEO, General Motors, Jan. 1937 “You can’t talk to me like that…I’ve got seventy million and I made it all myself!” —General Motors…
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UAW members keep up vigils on the picket line as strike grinds on
By Jan Worth-Nelson Amidst continual honks from passersby in bright sun, United Auto Workers strikers on the picket line at the General Motors Flint Assembly Plant on Van Slyke Road said Friday they have “no clue” how long they’ll be there and are worried, but also committed to what they hope will be greater parity…
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