Tag: Wantwaz Davis
Forty-three Flint residents so far vie for a seat on the tumultuous city council
By Tom Travis As the Flint City Council falls further from decorum and civility, a weary community can look forward to a Fall 2021 election with all nine council members up for re-election. Nominating petitions became available in February, with candidates required to obtain 75 signatures from voters in their ward to qualify to run.…
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Meet the Candidates: City Council–Vote Nov. 7!
Meet the Candidates: City Council List of candidates: (Two top vote getters per ward from the Aug. 5 primary) Ward One: Anita Brown and Eric Mays Ward Two: Maurice D. Davis and Jackie Poplar Ward Three: Santino Guerra and Kerry L. Nelson Ward Four: Michael Doan and Kate Fields Ward Five: Wantwaz Davis and Jerri…
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Flint trash decision kicked to curb again in council/mayoral fight
By Jan Worth-Nelson Flint’s trash pickup is once again in limbo due to ongoing disagreement between the City Council and Mayor Karen Weaver. The focus of disagreement is which of two competing potential contractors, the current contractor, Republic Services, Inc. and the one favored by the mayor, Rizzo Environmental Services, has provided the “lowest responsible bid.”…
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